L'arbre qui Pousse

Welcome to l'Arbre qui Pousse

Transition Laboratory

A rural, nourishing, educational, and demonstrative ecological farm

L'Arbre qui Pousse fosters a space for collective emergence. It is an open meeting place, inviting us to explore, grow, contribute, and evolve together. The Arbre serves as a tangible demonstration that collective living can be both open and grounded in shared realities, while reinventing the ways we produce, consume, live, and connect.

A shared farm

An open space spanning 6 hectares of gardens and 2,500 square meters of exceptional buildings in the Brabant Wallon.

Multiple projects

A hive of social entrepreneurs unfolds through economic activities that serve life.

A shared housing community

The farm welcomes over 25 residents  of all ages in various accommodations

A place for experimentation

An invitation grounded in rethinking our relationships with ourselves, with others, with living beings, and with the world.

Even outside of our scheduled activities, the farm is always open and accessible. 

Our Story

The project was born in the hearts of four young individuals. utopistes and pragmatiques en 2017. Trois ans aprรจs, accompagnรฉ.e.s d’un groupe de citoyen.ne.s convaincu.e.s, ils crรฉent la Fondation Ecotones qui acquiert la Ferme de la Balbriรจre, afin d’y ancrer le projet. Aujourd’hui, l’Arbre qui Pousse c’est pas moins de 20 porteur.euse.s de projet, 25 habitant.e.s actifs au quotidien, des centaines d’ami.e.s et sympathisant.e.s.
Rejoignez l’aventure !


Meetings, conferences, training sessions, and celebrations. A vibrant living and working space, serving a dynamic rural community...

The Projects

At L'Arbre qui Pousse, our mission is to promote social entrepreneurship through economic activities rooted in life.

The Spaces

Visit our various event spaces in a rural settingโ€ฆ Meet us to create your unforgettable experience together.

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The summer inn

Le projet dโ€™auberge est nรฉ de lโ€™envie de crรฉer un espace dโ€™accueil temporaire, en toute simplicitรฉ, dans le beau corps de logis de la ferme. Toute personne dรฉjร  inspirรฉe par lโ€™Arbre ou simplement curieuse dโ€™expรฉrimenter de plus prรจs la vie au sein dโ€™un lieu dโ€™รฉmergence, ou encore ayant besoin dโ€™un moment hors du temps ร  la campagne et pour visiter le Brabant wallon, est bienvenue dโ€™y sรฉjourner. Que vous soyez seul.e, en famille ou entre ami.e.s, lโ€™auberge dโ€™รฉtรฉ de lโ€™Arbre vous accueille ร  bras ouverts, pour un sรฉjour court (minimum 2 jours) ou long (jusquโ€™ร  2 mois)…

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